PDX Coin | Global Payments and Digital Banking Platform
Overview PDXCoin
About 18 months have passed since the financial sector awakened, en masse, to the possibility of a blockchain allowed, or to use the more general term, "distributed ledger". The period since then has seen a tsunami of activity, including research reports, strategic investments, pilot projects, and the formation of many consortiums. No one can accuse the banking world of not taking the potential of this technology seriously.
Naturally, the explosive growth in blockchain projects has spurred the development of the blockchain-enabled platform, on which such projects are built. For example, PDXCoin project
What is PDX Coin?
PDXCoin has that in their mind too. They will spread across this metaverse world. In order to buy certain thing in the metaverse, you can use PDXCoin as the default payment option. This will be use as the payment method for all of it’s banking and DeFi products.
As we all are moving forward so quickly towards the future, and the future which will be dependable on online banking and most likely crypto assets. PDXCoin is the first step we're going to have to take to reach that destination.
With the launch of the project Q3 in 2019 they have come along a long road and archived some great results. 2022 has brought to us, the development of new Siberia Blockchain Protocol commences. It has been done, and they have move to the payment app, which will give us easy access to the platform through our smart devices. And they’re done testing their exchange platform.
With that accomplishment, PDXCoin is now tradable in p2pb2b exchange platform. The tradable pair is PDX/USDT with the value of $40.15.
From my point of view, this is something we need must. They have done very good with the project to reach this level. Now, if they are able to keep up with the crypto market, I’m sure this will prove to be an awesome project.
Do You know Benefits of PDX Coin?
PDX coin holder will be able to make instant payments and transfer , anonymously and instantly anywhere in the world. And their data will be stored in a immutable blockchain, making it indestructible, thief-proof, and impossible for anyone else to know without their knowledge and approval.
PDX coin is reliable store of value, medium of exchange and unit of account. PDX coin will enable holders of other digital and national currencies to lock in gains and protect against adverse decline in value due to inflation, volatility and currency devaluation.
PDX will enable easy payments in the metaverse without disrupting the flow of the experience. Whether you are purchasing designer clothes for your avatar, buying music in a virtual store, or playing in a virtual 3D poker game, you will want to do so without having to exit or being distracted in the virtual environment. As part of its crypto-to-fiat payments and banking platform, PDX will enable direct payment using not just the native PDX Coin token, but also many of the other most liquid and widely held cryptocurrencies, which will also be hosted on its app.

SIBERIA Blockchain Protocol
PDX developing a new DeFi blockchain protocol named “Siberia”. This new blockchain will sit above PDX and be governed as a fully decentralized and independent blockchain by an outside body, such as a foundation. The goal is to complete the development and testing of the Siberia blockchain by late-2023 and release it at that time. PDX Coin at that time will migrate off the Ethereum blockchain, and onto the new Siberia blockchain. This will provide PDX with vastly improved transfer and transaction speeds at next to no cost, and without the need for a middleman mechanism, as with ETH, to effect a transaction.
- Token Name: PDX Coin
- Token Ticker: PDX
- Network: ERC-20
- Total Supply: 5 Billion
Where to Buy?

PDX Coin is listed on Uniswap and XT.com on February 23!
√ Uniswap.org: PDX/USDT
√ XT.com: PDX/USDT and PDX/BTC
PDX staking Dapp is live at https://pdxcoin.finance
Stake on Uniswap and earn 12% APY yield for 6 months and 15% APY yield for 12 months!
Now trading on Uniswap, XT.com, P2PB2B and Vindax exchanges.
- XT.com: https://www.xt.com/tradePro/pdx_usdt
- P2PB2B: https://p2pb2b.io/trade/PDX_USDT/
PDX Official
- Website: https://pdxcoin.io/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/PDX_Coin
- Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/PDXCoin/
- Telegram: https://t.me/PDXToken
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pdxcoin/
#PDXCOIN #Crypto-to-fiat #Payments #Banking #Globalpayments #paymentsapp #Bankingplatform #PDX #Metaverse
Bitcointalk Username: Derryl12
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Telegram username: @derryl12
Your email: derryl814@gmail.com
PDX ERC20 Wallet Address on P2PB2B: 0xFE1C74E1Aa15333DEeC8d285D81e94b70Cd4507F
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